Adobe Previews New Cloud-Based Photography App, Code Named “Project Nimbus”

In the keynote presentation for Adobe's fall MAX conference, Adobe presented "a glimpse of the future of photography" in the form of a brief sneak peek of a new photography application under development, code-named "Project Nimbus".  The application has a modernized interface that is consistent with the Lightroom mobile and Lightroom web interfaces, with the goal [...]

2018-06-04T10:05:39-07:00November 3rd, 2016|24 Comments

New to Lightroom Classic or Lightroom 6? Watch My “Introduction to Lightroom” Video

In this short video for beginners, I provide a brief introduction to Lightroom (6 or Classic). Learn what Lightroom looks like, how it's organized, and what you can do with it. Note that this is not applicable to the new cloud-based Lightroom CC application - click here for an introduction to that "Lightroom CC" program.This is the [...]

2018-08-21T13:14:38-07:00October 27th, 2016|2 Comments

Lightroom 6.7 and CC 2015.7 Are Out – Read What’s New

Adobe released Lightroom 6.7 and CC 2015.7 last night. For both Lightroom 6 and CC, this release contains: fixes for previously-identified issues with Apple’s new Mac operating system, Sierra, scheduled to be released tomorrow, September 20, 2016 support for raw files from new cameras tethering support for two more cameras  performance improvements, including a new “edit with smart [...]

2019-03-21T12:46:06-07:00September 20th, 2016|29 Comments

Mac Users: A Heads Up on OS X 10.9 and Earlier

Adobe this week gave Mac users an early heads up that the next major releases of Lightroom and other Creative Cloud desktop apps will only run on OS 10.10 (Yosemite) and later versions.  They gave no indication of when the next major release of Lightroom will come out. If you're running 10.9 or earlier, you can update now [...]

2017-07-03T18:59:57-07:00September 10th, 2016|16 Comments

A Small and Yet Big Mistake Adobe Made with Lightroom and How You Can Fix It in under a Minute

If I had a dollar for every Lightroom user who doesn't understand where Lightroom put their photos, for every user who has deleted the photos they found in Pictures because they thought Lightroom had its own copy in a database somewhere, and for every user who has question marks on their folders and "missing file" warnings in the [...]

2017-06-28T18:00:58-07:00August 9th, 2016|19 Comments
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