Lightroom 6.10.1, CC 2015.10.1 and Mobile Updates Are Available

Adobe released small updates to Lightroom Desktop and Lightroom Mobile today with bug fixes and new camera support. Lightroom Desktop: Lightroom 6.10.1 and CC 2015.10.1 This is a small update with bug fixes, one new lens profile and support for Panasonic and Sony new cameras. To update, go to Help>Update in Lightroom or the Apps tab in [...]

2019-03-21T12:46:07-07:00May 24th, 2017|22 Comments

Learn What’s New in Lightroom 6.10 and CC 2015.10

Adobe today released Lightroom 6.10 and CC 2015.10 with support for new cameras, new lens profiles, and bug fixes. There are no new features in this release. If Lightroom doesn’t prompt you to update, go to Help>Updates, or click on the Update button on the Apps tab of your Creative Cloud app, or download the update file [...]

2021-10-22T10:40:06-07:00April 11th, 2017|3 Comments

Learn What’s New in Lightroom 6.9 and CC 2015.9

Lightroom 6.9 and CC 2015.9 were released today with support for new cameras, new lens profiles, bug fixes, and improved error messages for syncing to Lightroom mobile (CC only). There are otherwise no new features in these free updates to 6 and CC. If Lightroom doesn’t prompt you to update, go to Help>Updates, or click on the Update [...]

2019-03-21T12:46:07-07:00March 7th, 2017|25 Comments

Lightroom 6.7 and CC 2015.7 Are Out – Read What’s New

Adobe released Lightroom 6.7 and CC 2015.7 last night. For both Lightroom 6 and CC, this release contains: fixes for previously-identified issues with Apple’s new Mac operating system, Sierra, scheduled to be released tomorrow, September 20, 2016 support for raw files from new cameras tethering support for two more cameras  performance improvements, including a new “edit with smart [...]

2019-03-21T12:46:06-07:00September 20th, 2016|29 Comments

What’s New in Lightroom 6.6 and CC 2015.6

Adobe today released Lightroom 6.6 and CC 2015.6. In addition to support for new cameras, new lens profiles and bug fixes, this free update introduces performance and other improvements for both Creative Cloud (CC) subscribers and 6 owners, and a new feature just for CC subscribers - Guided Upright, which allows you to draw lines on your photo to tell [...]

2019-03-21T12:46:06-07:00June 8th, 2016|45 Comments

What’s New in Lightroom 6.5.1 / 2015.5.1?

Today Adobe released a free update to Lightroom CC and 6: CC 2015.5.1 and 6.5.1. This update fixes a few issues introduced in the last update and adds support for two more cameras, the Pentax K-1 and the Sony RX10 III (DSC-RX10M3).To install the update, in Lightroom go to Help>Updates. Creative Cloud subscribers will also find the update on [...]

2019-03-21T12:46:05-07:00April 28th, 2016|11 Comments

What’s New in Lightroom CC 2015.5 and 6.5

Adobe released Lightroom 6.5 and CC 2015.5 today. This is a free update to 6 and CC and includes the normal bug fixes, new camera support and new lens profiles. There are no new features in this update, but some of the bug fixes below can be interpreted as improvements. Classifying them as bug fixes allows [...]

2019-03-21T12:46:05-07:00March 16th, 2016|16 Comments

Adobe Releases Lightroom 6.4 and CC 2015.4 with Boundary Warp Feature

Adobe today released Lightroom 6.4 and CC 2015.4. In addition to the usual bug fixes, new camera and tethering support and lens profiles, are the following additions and improvements: Boundary Warp, for CC subscribers only Usually the Photomerge Panorama process produces a panorama that is not rectangular, and that therefore requires cropping (or Photoshop work). The [...]

2021-10-22T10:40:05-07:00January 27th, 2016|33 Comments

Adobe Releases Lightroom 6.3 with Restored “Classic” Import Experience

Adobe this morning released Lightroom 6.3 (and CC 2015.3 for subscribers – referred to as 6.3 in this article). In addition to the typical new camera support, lens profiles, tethering support and bug fixes, Lightroom 6.3 has reverted to the import dialog that we had up through Lightroom 6.1.1.  In 6.2 released October 5, Adobe introduced [...]

2021-10-22T10:40:05-07:00November 17th, 2015|28 Comments

Adobe Plans to Revert Back to Old Import Dialog

Tom Hogarty of Adobe announced tonight that in the next Lightroom 6 "dot" release (i.e. 6.3 & CC 2015.3), they will revert back to the old import dialog. The streamlined import process introduced in 6.2 suffered from stability issues, and drew consternation from Lightroom users (including myself) upset about many features that were removed.  Timing of the [...]

2017-06-28T18:12:16-07:00October 16th, 2015|12 Comments
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