Enhance Raw File Details in Lightroom Classic CC and Lightroom CC

Enhanced Details was made available today in the February releases of Lightroom Classic CC (v. 8.2) and Lightroom CC Desktop (v. 2.2). This new process can potentially improve the quality of very fine detail and reduce artifacts and moire in raw files. It re-renders your raw file using a more sophisticated demosaicing algorithm that is [...]

2019-04-08T21:13:26-07:00February 12th, 2019|Comments Off on Enhance Raw File Details in Lightroom Classic CC and Lightroom CC

Lightroom Myth Buster: When Resolution Matters and When It Doesn’t

As I monitor forums, I see so much confusion about resolution and how to set it in Lightroom, that I thought it was time for a post on it.Our photos are made up of pixels - squares of solid color that our camera sensor captures. For example, a photo from a 24 megapixel (MP) camera [...]

2021-09-23T11:47:50-07:00September 8th, 2014|Comments Off on Lightroom Myth Buster: When Resolution Matters and When It Doesn’t

Sharpening in Lightroom Part Three: Output Sharpening

In this third article of a three-part series on sharpening in Lightroom, I explain output sharpening.  Here are the other two articles:   Part 1: Overview of the Three Step Sharpening workflow, and Capture Sharpening in Depth Part 2: Creative Sharpening - Sharpening Eyes and Other Local Elements To summarize the first two steps in the [...]

2017-06-28T20:46:53-07:00July 11th, 2012|Comments Off on Sharpening in Lightroom Part Three: Output Sharpening

How Large Can I Print My Photo? Understanding, Displaying and Managing Print Resolution

“How large can I print my photo?” is a question I get from Lightroom users all the time. The ultimate answer of course is – it depends. In the end you will need to do your own tests and find out what you are satisfied with. Below is some information that [...]

2019-08-19T11:57:34-07:00June 17th, 2012|Comments Off on How Large Can I Print My Photo? Understanding, Displaying and Managing Print Resolution

Quick Tip: Displaying Photo Resolution in the Lightroom Book Module

When you click in a photo in the Book Module, a Zoom slider appears, which shows you how far, in percent, you are zoomed in on the photo, and allows you to zoom in more or less.  This slider is for enlarging the photo in the cell on your Book page, not for zooming in [...]

2019-12-10T10:26:26-08:00June 8th, 2012|Comments Off on Quick Tip: Displaying Photo Resolution in the Lightroom Book Module

JPEG Compression and the Lightroom JPEG Quality Setting

Anytime you create a JPEG file using Lightroom’s Export dialog (or any other method), the file is compressed — information is thrown away in order to make the file smaller. How much is determined by the Quality setting or, in Lightroom 3 or later, if you choose instead, the Limit File Size setting. The big benefit [...]

2017-07-09T12:15:23-07:00October 18th, 2011|Comments Off on JPEG Compression and the Lightroom JPEG Quality Setting

Understanding Resolution

Two factors determine how big your image will be when displayed -- the size of your image in pixels, and how many pixels are displayed per inch, which is referred to as resolution. Both of the example images below have 6 pixels (3x2):  the first is displayed at  1 pixel per inch, and the second is [...]

2017-07-09T15:01:57-07:00June 20th, 2009|Comments Off on Understanding Resolution
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