Adding Title Slides to Your Lightroom Slideshow

By default your Lightroom slideshow doesn’t have title slides — it starts with your first picture and ends with your last.  However, you can use the Titles Panel on the right side of the Slide Show module to add beginning and ending text slides. Here are examples of beginning and ending slides (black borders not included): [...]

2017-07-03T19:02:24-07:00December 4th, 2011|5 Comments

An Easier Way to Get Your Color in Lightroom

You are designing a slideshow, and you want the background color to be a particular color from one of your images.  Or, you are designing a web gallery, and you want the background color to be the color on your website, or some other cool color you have found.  The question is, how do you find [...]

2017-07-09T15:06:36-07:00May 18th, 2009|4 Comments
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