Resolving Buggy Behavior in Lightroom: How to Reset Preferences

If something about Lightroom is not working as it's supposed to, resetting preferences can often resolve the issue. This video tutorial shows Lightroom Classic and Lightroom 6 users how to reset Lightroom's preferences.Users of earlier versions can also reset preferences (and should watch this video for explanations and tips), but the shortcut in the video won't [...]

2018-06-27T10:40:55-07:00June 26th, 2018|Comments Off on Resolving Buggy Behavior in Lightroom: How to Reset Preferences

How to Revert to an Earlier Version of Lightroom Classic

Some users who have updated to Lightroom Classic 7.3 are experiencing many crashes. If this happens to you and you're not able to resolve your issue by uninstalling and reinstalling, working with Adobe Customer Support, and/or getting assistance by posting on Adobe's bug and feedback site, and you wish to revert to 7.2, here's how to [...]

2018-04-04T20:54:26-07:00April 4th, 2018|Comments Off on How to Revert to an Earlier Version of Lightroom Classic

Help – I Lost My Lightroom Close, Minimize and Maximize Buttons!

I get questions all the time about missing buttons for closing, minimizing and maximizing the Lightroom window. For some reason these questions have become more common with Lightroom 6 and Classic. The problem is that you are in a full-screen mode that hides the Lightroom bar with the buttons. This bar in Lightroom with Close, [...]

2017-11-28T12:40:20-08:00November 28th, 2017|Comments Off on Help – I Lost My Lightroom Close, Minimize and Maximize Buttons!

Your Lightroom Catalog Is Too New to Be Used with This Version of Lightroom

Many users who have upgraded to Lightroom Classic have encountered this error: The catalog named X is too new to be used by this version of Lightroom. Would you like to select a different catalog? This happens when you accidentally open your Lightroom Classic catalog using Lightroom 6 or CC 2015 and this old version can't [...]

2017-11-23T11:02:17-08:00November 23rd, 2017|Comments Off on Your Lightroom Catalog Is Too New to Be Used with This Version of Lightroom

Have Your Lightroom Panels Gone Black?

Since the release of Lightroom 6.8 and CC 2015.8, some users have reported that their panels in the Library module suddenly go black: This seems to only be an issue with Mac OS Sierra. Update: also El Capitan. The quickest way to get your panels back is to switch from Library (G) to Develop (D) and [...]

2021-10-22T10:40:06-07:00February 22nd, 2017|Comments Off on Have Your Lightroom Panels Gone Black?

Clean Up Your Files and Folders in Lightroom

Below are two video tutorials from my Lightroom CC/6 and 5: The Fundamentals & Beyond video series that will teach you how to clean up your files and folders - learn to reorganize them and to resolve "missing file / file cannot be found" issues. The first video, File and Folder Management: Reorganizing, explains how to [...]

2019-03-22T14:03:55-07:00December 29th, 2016|Comments Off on Clean Up Your Files and Folders in Lightroom

Mac Users on Backing Up: “Your Catalog Size Is Larger than 4 GB”

Mac Users running Lightroom 6.8 or CC 2015.8: have you gone to back up your Lightroom catalog (like I tell you to!), and encountered this message that your catalog is larger than 4 GB, and that you'll need a third party utility to extract it? First, as of right now there is a bug - all [...]

2017-06-28T17:48:13-07:00December 14th, 2016|Comments Off on Mac Users on Backing Up: “Your Catalog Size Is Larger than 4 GB”

Lightroom CC 2015.5 / 6.5 Permissions Issue on Macs and Missing Lens Data

There have been a couple issues with the 6.5 / CC 2015.5 Lightroom update that I have become aware of and want to bring to your attention. Mac Permissions Issue With the CC 2015.5 and 6.5 updates, some Mac users are encountering the following message: "Lightroom encountered user permission issues."  This issue used to cause hangs and [...]

2017-06-28T18:04:55-07:00March 21st, 2016|Comments Off on Lightroom CC 2015.5 / 6.5 Permissions Issue on Macs and Missing Lens Data

Mac Users: Why Your Basic and Other Panels Go Missing More Often in Lightroom 5

Lightroom 5 has brought a surge of reports from users that one or more of their panels have gone missing - most often the Basic panel (white balance, exposure and other tone adjustments, clarity, saturation and vibrance). Now that I have switched to a Mac, I finally understand why this surge is occurring - there's a [...]

2017-06-28T18:26:36-07:00December 9th, 2014|Comments Off on Mac Users: Why Your Basic and Other Panels Go Missing More Often in Lightroom 5

When Panels, Modules, Tools and More Go Missing in Lightroom

I get a fair number of emails from frantic users who have lost some critical part of the Lightroom interface. In this video I show you how to find missing panels, tools, and more.  Watch the video to learn not only how to find what you have lost, but also how to hide what you don't [...]

2017-07-10T10:57:26-07:00October 1st, 2013|Comments Off on When Panels, Modules, Tools and More Go Missing in Lightroom

Lightroom Questions? Here’s Where to Turn for Answers

I am very happy to report that Victoria Bampton's exceptional reference book, Adobe Lightroom 5 - The Missing FAQ, is now available!  Victoria is a fellow Adobe Community Professional and Adobe Certified Expert in Photoshop Lightroom,  the founder of, and one of the most knowledgeable Lightroom experts I know.  She therefore understands what questions Lightroom [...]

2017-06-28T20:22:01-07:00July 1st, 2013|Comments Off on Lightroom Questions? Here’s Where to Turn for Answers

Where Are My Lightroom 4, 5, 6 or CC Develop Controls and What’s That Lightning Bolt Below the Histogram?

If you have upgraded to Lightroom 4, 5, 6 or CC  from Lightroom 3 or earlier (even if you came via Lightroom 4), when you look at photos in the Develop module that came from Lightroom 3, you will see a lightning bolt below the histogram if the histogram is open, or to the left of the [...]

2017-06-28T20:22:35-07:00June 26th, 2013|Comments Off on Where Are My Lightroom 4, 5, 6 or CC Develop Controls and What’s That Lightning Bolt Below the Histogram?
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