Lightroom and Mac OS Sierra CompatibilityMacOS Sierra will be released tomorrow and it has some cool new features such as Siri, so I’m sure many of you will be interested in installing it. Here’s the scoop on compatibility with Lightroom.

Note that this is a moving target that I may not be able to keep up with. For the latest, check the Adobe list of known issues.

Sierra and Lightroom 6 and CC
Serious known issues have been addressed in the Lightroom 6.7/CC 2015.7 update that just went live (blog post to come tomorrow), but keep in mind that it’s possible that additional issues will surface. It’s rarely a bad idea to hold off on major updates like this, particularly if you use Lightroom professionally, until more people kick the tires. UPDATE October 6: no major compatibility issues have surfaced.

Sierra and Older Versions of Lightroom
Victoria Bampton (the true Lightroom Queen) reports that you’ll lose the Destination and Apply During Import panels in the Import dialog However, while this originally looked like a serious issue, it’s the old “panels mysteriously go hiding” issue and it is completely fixable Right-click on any other panel name on the right side of the Import dialog, such as “File Handling”, and in the dropdown choose Destination and Apply During Import.

Other issues that aren’t fixable include the loss of tethering with Canon cameras (and Nikon and Leica, which broke with El Capitan)  and other smaller issues on the level of annoyances.  Read Victoria’s blog post for full details. These issues will not be fixed.  

If you are considering upgrading to Lightroom to CC or 6, read my post, “Which Should I Buy, Lightroom 6 or CC?“. If you’re wondering how to find the Lightroom 6 upgrade product on Adobe’s U.S. site, read my post here for instructions.