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So far Laura Shoe has created 568 blog entries.

Two Button Printing in Lightroom

Check out my post over on O'Reilly Digital Media's Inside Lightroom blog on the miracle of two button printing in Lightroom.    If you have been printing in Photoshop, you will be amazed at how you can streamline your printing  process.

2021-10-22T10:38:45-07:00January 19th, 2009|0 Comments

Selective Black and White

Take advantage of Lightroom 2's  (or Camera Raw's) adjustment brush to create images that are part black and white and part color. I will start with the color image below, and convert all of it to black and white except the poster and the can. In the Develop module, click on the adjustment brush [...]

2017-07-09T15:11:14-07:00January 15th, 2009|8 Comments

Getting Rid of the Winter Blues

In overcast conditions, your images may have a blue color cast, as does this great snowman image shot by my friend Debbie Espinosa. It was shot with the camera on daylight white balance, so the camera did not adjust for the bluish color that overcast light has. What the image "should" look like is subjective. Blue [...]

2017-07-09T15:11:24-07:00January 7th, 2009|6 Comments

Film Borders and Classic Vignettes in Lightroom

The Post Crop section in the Vignettes panel of the Develop Module of Lightroom 2 (AND THE EFFECTS PANEL OF LIGHTROOM 3) allows you to add creative vignettes. It is called Post Crop, because the vignette will always adjust to any cropping you do, even if you crop after you create the vignette. Unless you have [...]

2017-07-09T15:15:00-07:00December 29th, 2008|3 Comments

Maximize Compatibility, Minimize Headaches

In addition to writing this blog, I will be contributing occasionally to O'Reilly Media's Inside Lightroom blog. Visit the blog today to read my first post, on maximizing compatibility of Photoshop files so that you can import them into Lightroom. Go to O'Reilly There are twelve writers and alot of great information, so visit often (and [...]

2021-10-22T10:38:42-07:00December 14th, 2008|0 Comments

Dragging Images from Bridge into Lightroom

Sometimes I use Bridge to look at images, and from there I decide which ones to import into Lightroom. It is then easy to simply drag the images over into Lightroom. Size your Bridge and Lightroom windows so that you can see both. In Lightroom, go to Library Grid view (shortcut G). It does not matter [...]

2017-07-09T15:16:01-07:00December 14th, 2008|18 Comments

How to Move Your Lightroom Catalog

I have written about moving your Lightroom work from your laptop to your desktop (or any two computers) here. This involves exporting your work on the laptop as a catalog, then importing it into your desktop catalog. Sometimes though you may want to simply move your catalog. Mine was initially on an external hard drive; [...]

2019-02-03T14:29:38-08:00December 10th, 2008|39 Comments

When HSL Rules Over the Adjustment Brush

The adjustment brush and the graduated filter tool are wonderful additions to Lightroom 2 for making local changes. But there are often quicker ways to make local changes. I will talk about HSL in this post. In the image below I want to darken the sky. Yes, I can get the adjustment brush, set the exposure [...]

2017-07-09T15:16:40-07:00December 7th, 2008|0 Comments

More on Spot Removal in Camera Raw

I showed you how to use the spot removal tool in Lightroom and Camera Raw, and how to copy your spot removals from one image to others in Lightroom in my spot removal video. However, I didn't mention how to copy your spot removals from one image to others in Camera Raw. (Thanks, Teri for this [...]

2017-07-09T15:17:11-07:00December 3rd, 2008|0 Comments

Before and After in Lightroom

In the Lightroom Develop module, there are different ways to look at Before and After for changes that you have made. One of my favorites is to use the backslash key to toggle between Before and After. The default Before state is the first step in the History panel, usually your file import. So by default, [...]

2017-07-09T15:17:28-07:00December 2nd, 2008|2 Comments

Painting with Color in Lightroom

If you have used the adjustment brush in Lightroom, you may have noticed that you have the ability to paint color on your image. After clicking on the adjustment brush to make it active, click on the color square next to the word Color to choose your color. Adjustment Brush Color Setting In this [...]

2017-07-09T15:17:38-07:00December 1st, 2008|7 Comments
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