Some users who have updated to Lightroom Classic 7.3 are experiencing many crashes. If this happens to you and you’re not able to resolve your issue by uninstalling and reinstalling, working with Adobe Customer Support, and/or getting assistance by posting on Adobe’s bug and feedback site, and you wish to revert to 7.2, here’s how to do easily do so:

Open up your Creative Cloud application. On the Apps tab, find Lightroom Classic CC and click on the little triangle to the right of Update/Open:

Creative Cloud App

Choose Other Versions:

Access earlier versions of Lightroom Classic

Install the previous version (7.2 as of when this post was written):

Creative Cloud App Previous Versions

That’s it!

My sense is that these issues are occurring with a small percentage of users. I personally would go ahead and update, since I would want to use the new profiles, and then revert if necessary.