Home/Tag: backup

Avoiding Lightroom-Generated Headaches and Heart Attacks

I get emails from around the world  from people in panic-mode over Lightroom-related issues.  Some of these can be easily cured, but sadly, some are fatal.    I do consulting in-person and over the web and phone/Skype, so you can always contact me to help you work through your issues (sorry, yes, that was a blatant plug), but I thought I [...]

2017-07-09T12:35:30-07:00July 24th, 2011|1 Comment

Reclaiming Hard Drive Space from Lightroom

You may be using a lot more hard drive space with Lightroom than you need to be.  There are three major opportunity areas:  catalog backups, 1:1 previews, and deleting rejects. Catalog Backups My Lightroom catalog is about 500 MB.  (To see how large yours is, go to Edit>Catalog Settings on the PC, or Lightroom>Catalog Settings on [...]

2017-07-09T13:05:36-07:00April 12th, 2010|18 Comments
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