Adobe Releases Lightroom 5.5 with iPhone Mobile App

Today Adobe released Lightroom 5.5 along with Lightroom mobile for the iPhone. Along with the usual new camera support, new lens profiles, and bug fixes, the free Lightroom 5.5 update includes support for syncing with the new iPhone app, and a few other changes targeted at Lightroom mobile and Creative Cloud subscribers. Watch my video below to [...]

2017-07-18T16:19:50-07:00June 18th, 2014|13 Comments

Lightroom 5.3 Now Available for Download

The Lightroom team has announced the availability of the official release for Lightroom 5.3. This free update to Lightroom 5 contains bug fixes, new camera support, new lens profiles and a few new Develop shortcuts. When you open Lightroom, you should be prompted to update — download the file and double-click on it to run it. [...]

2017-06-28T18:46:42-07:00December 11th, 2013|9 Comments

Lightroom 5.3 Release Candidate Now Available from Adobe Labs

The Lightroom team has announced the availability of the release candidate for Lightroom 5.3.  Release candidates are made available before official releases in order to get broader community testing and feedback. This release contain bug fixes, new camera support, new lens profiles and a few new Develop shortcuts.  My general recommendation regarding release candidates is for [...]

2021-08-16T10:23:18-07:00November 8th, 2013|5 Comments

What’s New in Lightroom 5.2

Adobe released Lightroom 5.2 today, with important bug fixes, new camera, lens and tethered capture support. As has become their practice in the first “dot” release (“.2” in this case — there was no “.1”), Adobe has also thrown in a few small but welcome new features. Watch my “What’s New in Lightroom 5.2” video below, [...]

2017-07-18T16:18:29-07:00September 17th, 2013|16 Comments

What’s New in Adobe’s Lightroom 5 Beta

Watch my video below for highlights of what's new in the Lightroom 5 Beta. More detailed video tutorials on the new Lightroom 5 features are available at this link. For better quality, hit Play, and then click on the sprocket wheel in the bottom right and choose 720/HD. Watch more Lightroom 5 Beta videos. Read about [...]

2017-07-18T16:18:29-07:00April 15th, 2013|0 Comments

Lightrom 4.4 Now Available from Adobe

Adobe has announced that the official release of Lightroom 4.4 is now available. If next time you open Lightroom, it doesn't prompt you to update, go to Help>Check for Updates. Download the installation package, and then double-click on it to run it. (Many users skip this last step, and therefore in fact never update Lightroom!) This [...]

2017-06-28T20:29:28-07:00April 2nd, 2013|3 Comments

Adobe Releases Lightroom 4.4 Release Candidate

The Lightroom team has announced the availability of the release candidates for Lightroom 4.4.  Release candidates are made available before official releases in order to get broader community testing and feedback. This release contain bug fixes, new camera support, as well as much-improved support for cameras with Fuji X Trans sensors. (Check out the quality difference [...]

2021-08-16T10:23:17-07:00February 26th, 2013|1 Comment

Adobe Releases Lightroom 4.3 and Camera Raw 7.3

The Lightroom team has announced the availability of the official versions of Lightroom 4.3 and Camera Raw 7.3.  This free update to Lightroom 4 contains support in the Library and Develop modules for the new HiDPI monitors (i.e. Apple's Retina Display), bug fixes, support for new cameras, and new lens profiles (including for the iPhone 4s [...]

2017-06-28T20:34:58-07:00December 12th, 2012|9 Comments
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