How to Transfer Lightroom Work from One Computer to Another

You traveled with a laptop and used Lightroom on this laptop to import and work on your photos while you were on the road. Now you're back home and you're wondering how to get the photos along with your work (flags, stars, keywords, editing, etc) into your main Lightroom catalog on your desktop computer. In this [...]

2020-03-10T11:18:41-07:00October 6th, 2016|Comments Off on How to Transfer Lightroom Work from One Computer to Another

Working on Two or More Computers with One Lightroom Catalog

If you regularly work on two or more computers and carrying an external hard drive is not a problem, then consider putting your images and your Lightroom catalog on the external drive, so that you can move easily between the two. If your catalog is currently on your internal hard drive, you will need to move [...]

2018-05-05T22:03:19-07:00April 3rd, 2009|Comments Off on Working on Two or More Computers with One Lightroom Catalog

Moving Lightroom Work Between Laptop and Desktop Computers

You're on vacation, at a workshop or shooting on location commercially, loading your images onto your laptop and working them in Lightroom. Will you be able to successfully and easily transfer all your Lightroom work to your desktop Lightroom catalog? Absolutely!  This method will transfer everything you may have done -- keywords, flags, stars, color labels, [...]

2017-07-09T15:22:32-07:00November 17th, 2008|Comments Off on Moving Lightroom Work Between Laptop and Desktop Computers
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