Clean Up Your Files and Folders in Lightroom

Below are two video tutorials from my Lightroom CC/6 and 5: The Fundamentals & Beyond video series that will teach you how to clean up your files and folders - learn to reorganize them and to resolve "missing file / file cannot be found" issues. The first video, File and Folder Management: Reorganizing, explains how to [...]

2019-03-22T14:03:55-07:00December 29th, 2016|Comments Off on Clean Up Your Files and Folders in Lightroom

What to Do If Your Photos Really, Truly Are Gone: Turn to Jeffrey Friedl’s Preview Extractor Plugin

Hopefully most of you will never need this post, because you have an effective backup strategy, that backs up both your Lightroom catalog and your image files. I have written about this in the following posts: Avoiding Lightroom-Generated Headaches and Heart Attacks I Would Cry If I Lost the Work I Did Today: How to Back [...]

2017-06-28T20:42:11-07:00September 7th, 2012|Comments Off on What to Do If Your Photos Really, Truly Are Gone: Turn to Jeffrey Friedl’s Preview Extractor Plugin

Help – Lightroom Lost All My Photos!

This is one of the most common, and certainly the most stress-filled request I get for help. You open up Lightroom, and there is nothing there — all the photos you have imported and worked on are gone. Fortunately, this usually isn’t the disaster that it at first seems to be. When you are in Lightroom, [...]

2017-06-28T20:52:11-07:00May 11th, 2012|Comments Off on Help – Lightroom Lost All My Photos!

Avoiding Lightroom-Generated Headaches and Heart Attacks

I get emails from around the world  from people in panic-mode over Lightroom-related issues.  Some of these can be easily cured, but sadly, some are fatal.    I do consulting in-person and over the web and phone/Skype, so you can always contact me to help you work through your issues (sorry, yes, that was a blatant plug), but I thought I [...]

2017-07-09T12:35:30-07:00July 24th, 2011|Comments Off on Avoiding Lightroom-Generated Headaches and Heart Attacks

Why Do I Have Question Marks on My Folders and Images in Lightroom?

When you import images into the Lightroom Catalog, Lightroom keeps track of where those images live -- in what folder, on what hard drive.  This shows in the Folders panel in the Library Module. Imagine moving the car while your family or friends are  inside the convenience store.  (I confess to having done this once !)  [...]

2017-07-09T15:08:40-07:00April 1st, 2009|Comments Off on Why Do I Have Question Marks on My Folders and Images in Lightroom?
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