Avoiding a Lightroom Folder Mess — Import Basics

Are your folders in Lightroom a mess because you don’t know how to take charge of where Lightroom puts them?  Are you not sure where they are going?  Do you have date folders that are meaningless to you because you don’t remember what you shot on any given date?  If you answered yes to any of these, you [...]

2017-08-31T14:12:52-07:00November 29th, 2011|0 Comments

Getting Your iPhoto Images into Lightroom

I do free two-hour Lightroom demonstrations here in Seattle, and towards the end of these, a question I often get is:  how do I get my iPhoto images into Lightroom?  I take this as as a good sign -- I figure that what they have seen of Lightroom from my demo has convinced them to move [...]

2017-08-29T15:34:46-07:00December 18th, 2009|0 Comments

When Words Fail Us: Why “Import” in Lightroom Confuses Us

As you may have guessed, I love Lightroom.  Its design is efficient and elegant, and the library/catalog model really works.   However, in my humble opinion as an instructor who sees students struggle time after time, what doesn’t work is the language around this model.  Specifically, what doesn’t work is the idea that you “Import” images into Lightroom, [...]

2017-07-09T14:43:31-07:00October 14th, 2009|4 Comments

Dragging Images from Bridge into Lightroom

Sometimes I use Bridge to look at images, and from there I decide which ones to import into Lightroom. It is then easy to simply drag the images over into Lightroom. Size your Bridge and Lightroom windows so that you can see both. In Lightroom, go to Library Grid view (shortcut G). It does not matter [...]

2017-07-09T15:16:01-07:00December 14th, 2008|18 Comments
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