I started my sabbatical September 1, and won’t be back to work until sometime next year, but I did promise owners of v. 8 of my Lightroom Fundamentals & Beyond video series (who purchased in the past year or also purchased the updates extension) that I’d create one new video tutorial for you while I’m out on one complex new feature … and drum roll, please … that’s MASKING, which came to Lightroom Classic 11 on October 26. Masking is a fantastic new framework for making local adjustments, with new artificial-intelligence driven Select Subject and Select Sky tools as well as all the local tools we’ve been using already, organized in a new Masks panel. It’s much easier now to make complicated selections / masks so that we can target our edits to just areas of our photos that really need them.

Lightroom Classic 11 Select Subject Masking
If you meet the above requirements, my new 36 minute Masking tutorial is now available to watch in and download from the Members area of my site.
If you don’t own my Fundamentals & Beyond series, do check it out – despite the name, it’s for beginners and experienced users, with over 110 videos and 28+ hours of training on beginning, intermediate and advanced Lightroom Classic (and the old Lightroom 5 and 6).