If you’ve made a photo book with Lightroom’s Book module, you know that it can take a long time to get it just right. When you’re ready to make your second book, rather than start from scratch, reuse your first design, modifying it as you see fit.
In the video tutorial below, from my Lightroom: Producing Great Output video series, learn how to reuse a book design.
For best quality, after hitting Play click on the sprocket wheel in the bottom right and choose 720/HD.
My Producing Great Output series covers Lightroom’s Book, Slideshow, Print and Web modules, as well as important output concepts that every photographer should understand. I’m almost finished updating it to cover the Book module enhancements introduced in Lightroom Classic 7.5. (Otherwise it’s up-to-date for Lightroom 5, 6 and Classic CC.) Purchase today and receive a free download of the updated videos when they’re ready.