In this Lightroom video tutorial, I’ll show you how to change and refine your page layouts. After an overview of page layout options, you’ll learn how to choose a page layout and refine it with cell padding, add two page spreads, and select and change layouts of multiple pages at once. I then cover flagging layouts as favorites (for easy access, and to use in Auto Layout) and copying and pasting layouts.
For those not familiar with the Book module in Lightroom 4 and later versions, it allows you to design and order photo books from, and to create PDFs and JPEGs to share electronically or to print. (NOTE: This video was made with Lightroom 4, but it is applicable to later versions as well.)
When I don’t have time to write new tutorials for you, I find sharing videos to be a great quick alternative! This video is another excerpt from my Lightroom 4: Producing Great Output series — 12 1/2 hours on 55 videos, on understanding output concepts and creating great books, prints, slideshows and web galleries. Here’s the Lightroom 5, 6 and CC version of Producing Great Output.
As usual, to view at highest quality, after hitting Play, click on the sprocket wheel in the bottom right and choose 720/HD.
Related Post: Lightroom 4 Book Module Tutorial: Basic Skills