Lightroom is a fabulous program, but it can be daunting. Here are a few resources to get you started with getting your photos and videos into Lightroom. (This is applicable to Lightroom Classic and earlier versions of it – Lightroom 3, 4, 5, 6, and CC 2015. It is not applicable to the new cloud-based Lightroom CC application.)
1. An article on how Lightroom works with a catalog and what importing really means.
2. Two videos on importing photos: i.e. getting Lightroom to see them:
- The first covers importing photos already on your hard drive, as well as other import basics, such as setting up a copyright and contact information preset. (Do watch this one first, as I cover Import basics that the second video assumes you know).
- The second covers importing photos still on memory cards, copying them to exactly where you want to on your hard drive, assigning keywords, and setting up an Import preset.
- These lessons apply to Lightroom 3, 4, 5, 6, CC 2015 and Classic.
- They are from my Lightroom 4: The Fundamentals and Beyond – Workshop on Video series (Here’s the Lightroom 5, 6 and Classic version. – it’s 28+ hours of training on 110+ videos.) Do check it out!
I would recommend not skipping the article in #1 – These concepts are covered in earlier videos in my Fundamentals & Beyond series.
To watch the videos at higher resolution, click on the little wheel/sprocket symbol in the bottom right of each video, and increase the quality to HD. (Note that in my product, all are at higher resolution – 1024×768, and are not blurry!)