Getting Your iPhoto Images into Lightroom

I do free two-hour Lightroom demonstrations here in Seattle, and towards the end of these, a question I often get is:  how do I get my iPhoto images into Lightroom?  I take this as as a good sign -- I figure that what they have seen of Lightroom from my demo has convinced them to move [...]

2017-08-29T15:34:46-07:00December 18th, 2009|0 Comments

Where Has Lightroom Put My Photos?

I hear this all the time -- new users import their photos successfully, see the images in Lightroom and  see the name of their imported folder in the Folders panel, but from the Folders panel they cannot figure out  "where Lightroom has put that folder".  The folder certainly doesn't seem to be where they told Lightroom [...]

2017-08-02T11:28:42-07:00December 3rd, 2009|37 Comments

When Words Fail Us: Why “Import” in Lightroom Confuses Us

As you may have guessed, I love Lightroom.  Its design is efficient and elegant, and the library/catalog model really works.   However, in my humble opinion as an instructor who sees students struggle time after time, what doesn’t work is the language around this model.  Specifically, what doesn’t work is the idea that you “Import” images into Lightroom, [...]

2017-07-09T14:43:31-07:00October 14th, 2009|4 Comments

Seeing Images in Your Parent and Subfolders

Just a quick tip today — it is 92 in my office and 103 outside —  the hottest day in recorded Seattle history.  (I realize that this is nothing for some of you!) My folders are arranged in a hierarchy —  Picturesyearshoot, with ocassional subfolders within a shoot.  By default the Lightroom folder panel shows an [...]

2017-07-09T15:00:23-07:00July 29th, 2009|0 Comments

Getting Those Panels Under Control

In Lightroom you can hide the top, bottom, left and right panels so that you have more room to show your images.  To hide a panel, click on the triangle at the outside center edge of the panel.  Click on it again to show it again.   There are shortcuts, of course:  Tab hides and shows the [...]

2017-07-09T15:00:48-07:00July 18th, 2009|2 Comments

Selecting Images in Lightroom

Selecting images seems to be a fairly straightforward task, but Lightroom can actually be pretty finicky about how you do it.  Here's a video I put together to show you how to select individual images and groups of images, and to help you avoid unintended consequences. Watch This Video on How to Select Images in Lightroom

2017-07-09T15:01:21-07:00July 6th, 2009|1 Comment

Seeing Your Folders in Lightroom

When you import a folder of images, the folder will show in the Folders panel, but you may not see the parent folder that it lives in.  For example, when I imported my first 2009 shoot folder, Lightroom did not show me that it lives inside my 2009 folder, which lives inside my Pictures folder.  That's [...]

2017-07-09T15:07:30-07:00April 12th, 2009|2 Comments

Virtual Copies in Lightroom

I wrote a post recently about making snapshots while you work  so that you can explore different versions of your image -- for example, a black and white and a color version --  with the goal of having just one version in the end. If you want to end up with two or more versions -- [...]

2017-07-09T15:09:00-07:00March 30th, 2009|6 Comments
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