About Laura Shoe

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So far Laura Shoe has created 568 blog entries.

Lightroom 3.5 and Camera Raw 6.5 Released Tonight

The prereleases came out a while ago on labs.adobe.com, but now the official versions of Lightroom 3.5 and Camera Raw 6.5 are out.  If you have Lightroom and/or Photoshop set to automatically check for updates, they will prompt you next time you open Lightroom 3 or Photoshop CS5. Otherwise, in your software go to Help>Check for [...]

2021-10-22T10:38:50-07:00September 28th, 2011|2 Comments

Lightroom Quick Tip of the Week: Printing to Jpegs

Do you like Lightroom’s print layout capabilities, but don’t have a printer to print to, or want to just share your design electronically?   No problem — design your layout in the Print module, and print to a jpeg instead of to a printer.  Send the jpeg out for someone else to print, or email it [...]

2018-09-27T14:59:11-07:00September 21st, 2011|6 Comments

An Affordable Set of Quality Lightroom Presets for People Photography (And a Chance to Win a Free Copy!)

Sean McCormack over at lrbplugins.com has recently released his new Lightroom preset pack.  According to Sean, it is a set of 18 presets  “that range from B&W to heavily processed colour looks for people photography. It borrows a lot from current fashion trends, but is equally at home with bands, portraits and fashion. Inspiration for each [...]

2017-07-09T12:22:02-07:00September 20th, 2011|2 Comments

A Hands on Look at Adobe Carousel

Adobe recently announced the upcoming release of this new software to manage images across devices via the cloud. Their initial target audience is point-and-shoot jpeg shooters, but it will almost certainly grow to include raw support, Lightroom integration, etc... As the first version is only available for the Mac (Windows to follow in 2012), I can't [...]

2017-07-09T12:22:56-07:00September 18th, 2011|0 Comments

Should I Learn Lightroom or Photoshop (or Both or Neither)?

Students often ask me whether they should buy Lightroom or Photoshop or something else, so I thought I would put down my thoughts on this in writing. Lightroom is Adobe’s image management and enhancement program designed specifically for serious amateur and professional photographers. With more and more powerful features being added with each new release, Lightroom [...]

2017-08-02T11:23:20-07:00September 9th, 2011|11 Comments

Adobe Announces Carousel

Adobe today announced Adobe Carousel, designed to allow you to work on and sync images across your mobile devices and desktop computer. From John Nack, “This new app–announced today for iOS and Mac OS X (with Android & Windows versions in development)–brings a highly tuned version of the Lightroom/Camera Raw engine to mobile devices, combining it with [...]

2017-07-09T12:23:24-07:00September 7th, 2011|1 Comment
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