As of the end of November, 2018, the Map module will no longer work in Lightroom 4, 5, 6, CC 2015, and Classic CC 7.x. (You’ll receive an “Oops” message: “This page didn’t load Google Maps correctly. See the JavaScript console for technical details.”) To use the Map module you’ll need to upgrade to Lightroom Classic CC 8.0+.
The cause of this is a change made by Google in their “API call”. Adobe has made the required change so that Map will work in Lightroom Classic 8.0 and future versions, but they don’t go back to old versions of software to fix issues that arise.
Lightroom CC 2015 and Classic CC 7.x users: If your system specs meet the requirements , use the CC app to upgrade at no additional charge to Lightroom Classic CC 8.0 (or the most recent version if you’re reading this article after November).
Here’s a workaround for seeing GPS coordinates mapped, from Adobe: “To see the location of an image on a map, copy the coordinates from the GPS field in the Metadata panel located at the right in the Map module. Then, search for these coordinates on the Internet.”
Note that already-populated GPS latitude and longitude and location metadata fields (populated by reverse-geocoding / address-lookup or otherwise) on your photos will not be deleted.
Here’s a workaround for viewing photos on a map that have latitude and longitude (thank you to Laurie MacBride for suggesting this):
In the Metadata panel in the Library module, find the GPS field (in the dropdown at the top choose Default or Location). Alt/Opt-click on the arrow to the right of the field. This will launch your default web browser map (Google Maps, Bing, etc.) and will place a pin in the correct location.
For photos without latitude and longitude, out in Google Maps or another map program, find the location on the map and then copy and paste the lat/long information into Lightroom’s Metadata panel GPS field.
PS: Generally I support Adobe’s policy of not maintaining old versions of software, but usually when a new version comes out, the old one is no longer available for sale. I don’t agree with their decision to continue selling Lightroom 6 but not fix it when it breaks. (I do know the Lightroom product managers though, and I do believe that the decision was not made lightly and was not a plot to force you to upgrade.)
Thanks for the clarification. I for one am switching to Luminar, as I feel that as a LR 6 user, I have been abandoned by Adobe because I am not interested in the subscription model. They are making SO much money these days that you would think they could offer better support for longtime Lightroom users (since v. 1).
I was very disappointed to hear the map module was going to stop working as I’ve been using it a lot. But I have since found that when I use “alt-click” on the arrow to the right of the GPS coordinates in the metadata panel (in Library module), it opens my browser and goes directly to my default maps program (in my case, Bing maps, but I expect it would work the same with Google maps if that’s your preference) and places a pin right at the exact spot – just like seeing it on the maps module, except you’ve left Lightroom to view it. It’s easy enough and a good workaround. As for entering the GPS data for new photos, I need to find the spot on my maps program, copy the lat/long, and paste it into the LR metadata panel’s GPS field. Seems to work fine.
Good suggestions, Laurie – thank you.
Laurie MacBride thanks for the alt-click work around, works like a charm and allows to see gps data and to add new data. if you take a snap with a smart phone, you can also copy over the gps info to the photos taken in the same location…..
Goodness gracious me!!
Adobe abandoning non CC members? Surely some mistake?? After all, didn’t the permanent licence purchasers support Adobe for decades???
These days, I expect nothing from Adobe, therefore I’m very happy with them. They give me exactly what I expect… NOTHING.
Photoshop CS6 and LR6 still work perfectly for me. But then, I’m only interested in cataloguing, developing, and printing my photographs. All of this is covered wonderfully by the software that I have permanent licences for.
I’m confident that Adobe is working flat out to eliminate the remaining non CC subscribers and look forward to being the last man standing. LOL
Agree with your comment Mark. I paid for new versions for many years. Now I just want to find out how to download the standalone version 6 again. I downloaded recently using directions previously provided by Laura ( but had to uninstall because something went wrong with the file structure. I thought a fresh start would be good but I can’t find my way in helpx to get it again. I don’t mind being abandoned as far as ongoing support is required, I just want to get the product that I paid for so I can keep going. I am 74 – I can’t afford a subscription. Is there anyone out there who can help please??
Here you go, Margaret:
I have been contacted by several customers that use my Mac app Photo GeoTag. They suggested I post a message about it so others are aware of it. Photo GeoTag is an app that geotags photos, in single mode and batch mode. More info here:
Thank you.
I’m terribly angry! I bought Lightroom 6 in the fall of 2018 to mainly map-tag old scanned photos, and now i have to pay more and monthly for an upgrade to be able to use the service I already bought. Disgusting not to make sure to bring in Lightroom 6 from the stores (Lightroom 6 is still sold in store) or at least inform about the change. Never again Adobe …
+1 I have had LR from the start but stopped short of the subscription model, for the obvious reasons everyone (except Adobe) knows. This is a terrible move and Adobe deserves all our contempt.
Like most really unhappy with Adobe withdrawing support. I understood it was also about Google introducing a charging model for excessive map use which meant Adobe could get charged a fraction of a dollar for use over a certain limit. Its a shame those with an Google API can’t manually point the Map Module at Google Maps/Earth. I have been using the Jeffrey’s “Geoencoding Support” Plugin ( which is free donation ware. It works really well and recomend.