With Adobe’s announcements and releases of October 2017, Lightroom applications – that is, Lightroom Classic and the new cloud-based Lightroom CC – are only available as part of subscriptions. There will be no more perpetual (stand-alone) versions. In this article I will answer common questions about how these subscriptions work, as the word “cloud” introduces some misconceptions. Lightroom Classic and the cloud-based Lightroom CC work differently, so they are addressed separately below. UPDATE 2019: Adobe has changed the name of the cloud-based “Lightroom CC” to just “Lightroom”. UPDATE 2020: The logos for Lightroom Classic and Lightroom have changed.
Lightroom Subscriptions: Programs and Pricing
There is also a “Complete Cloud” option for $49.99/month that includes the whole suite of Adobe creative applications (InDesign, Premier Pro, Illustrator, etc.) Visit Adobe.com to see all pricing plans, including student/teacher and enterprise plans.
Lightroom Classic FAQ
Lightroom CC FAQ